Institutional Private Duty

Today, many people are choosing to live with extended care needs in a residential setting. This means that you and your loved one will be kept in the comfort of a private home setting rather than the confines of a nursing home or other type of institutional facility.

This notice is to announce Vesretta Homecare LLC’s intent to provide services for family members and loved ones who would prefer to remain in their own homes while having help provided by professional staff members who understand their needs and can be trusted. With our team consisting of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, support staff, as well as our Director on-site daily, providing these services is possible without leaving family members alone on the road to physical dependency or becoming institutionalized themselves.

We are here for you and your family. The team that we have here on location at the office is always helping us get the word out about this service, so if you would like to know more about what we can do for you or your loved one, please feel free to give us a call any time at +1 718 465 5151.