Employee Health Record

Employee Health Record
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please complete Section I of this form. A professional health examiner will complete section II when necessary.

Section I

1. Please select if you have experienced any of the following:

I certify that I am free from health impairment which is of potential risk to patients or which might interfere with the performance of my duties if employed. I certify that I am free from habituation or addiction to depressants, stimulants, narcotics, alcohol or other drugs or substances which may alter my behavior. .
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Section II

The New York State Health Department mandates that health care workers must have the following immunizations or tests for immunity. Please document administration of vaccines, response to screening tests, or documented history of test results.
The New York State Health Department mandates that health care workers must have the following immunizations or tests for immunity. Please document administration of vaccines, response to screening tests, or documented history of test results.

If PPD is positive for the first time, then staff member must be evaluated for the need for treatment.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is treatment for TB required?
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Rubeola immunity must be demonstrated by all individuals born on or after January 1, 1957. Please check (√) and attach document:
Rubeola immunity must be demonstrated by all individuals born on or after January 1, 1957. Please check (√) and attach document:
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Max. file size: 64 MB.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Rubella immunity must be demonstrated by all individuals. Please check (√) and attach document:
Max. file size: 64 MB.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Hepatitis B immunity is optional.
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Lot #
Admin by

I find no evidence of health impairment that would be of potential risk to patients or interfere in the performance of health care duties. I find no evidence of habituation or addiction to depressants, stimulants, narcotics, alcohol or other drugs or substances which may alter this individual’s behavior.